
A customizable RESTful API for CBMS

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    Important Notes

     A new Company Database is automatically created when you order a Software Package from the shop and Login details sent to your email, login to the new database and on Apps page you can activate the Software purchased.

     If you want this module or app to appear in your existing database first login to your database and visit the Apps page to search for this module name and click Activate or Install   

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    A customizable RESTful API for CBMS

    MuK IT GmbH - www.mukit.at

    Community Enterprise onPremise CBMS.sh CBMS Online


    Enables a REST API for the CBMS server. The API has routes to authenticate and retrieve a token. Afterwards, a set of routes to interact with the server are provided. The API can be used by any language or framework which can make an HTTP requests and receive responses with JSON payloads and works with both the Community and the Enterprise Edition.

    In case the module should be active in every database just change the auto install flag to True. To activate the routes even if no database is selected the module should be loaded right at the server start. This can be done by editing the configuration file or passing a load parameter to the start script.

    Parameter: --load=web,muk_rest

    To access the api in a multi database enviroment without a db filter, the name of the database must be provided with each request via the db parameter ?db=database_name.

    Key Features


    The API is documented based on the Open API specification. All endpoints are described in great detail and a number of defined schemas make it possible to keep a good overview of the required parameters as well as the returned results.

    Furthermore, the documentation is automatically extended with the addition of another endpoint. Whether it was added as custom endpoint or via Python code does not matter.

    Custom Endpoints

    In addition to the existing API endpoints, more can easily be added. It is not necessary to write any kind of code. New endpoints can be created in the backend and are immediately available through the API.

    Different types of endpoints can be created. For example the domain evaluation can be used to query certain data and return it via the API. While other option are to run a server action or execute custom Python code. Any custom routes are automatically added to the documentation and can be further customized to define parameters and return values.

    Connect to the API

    The API allows authentication via OAuth1 and OAuth2 as well as with username and password, although an access key can also be used instead of the password. The documentation only allows OAuth2 besides basic authentication. The API has OAuth2 support for all 4 grant types. For OAuth, advanced security can be enabled to allow only certain endpoints and parameters.

    Code Example - OAuth2 Authentication

    This example shows a login via OAuth2 and then some sample calls to the API. The Python libraries requests and requests_oauthlib are used to connect to the API. Note that this is only an example, the client and implementation can vary depending on the actual requirements.

    import json
    import requests
    from pprint import pprint
    from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
    from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
    class RestAPI:
        def __init__(self):
            self.url = 'https://demo12.mukit.at'
            self.client_id = 'BackendApplicationFlowDemoClientKey'
            self.client_secret = 'BackendApplicationFlowDemoClientSecret'
            self.client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=self.client_id)
            self.oauth = OAuth2Session(client=self.client)
        def route(self, url):
            if url.startswith('/'):
                url = "%s%s" % (self.url, url)
            return url
        def authenticate(self):
                client_id=self.client_id, client_secret=self.client_secret
        def execute(self, enpoint, type="GET", data={}):
            if type == "POST":
                response = self.oauth.post(self.route(enpoint), data=data)
            elif type == "PUT":
                response = self.oauth.put(self.route(enpoint), data=data)
            elif type == "DELETE":
                response = self.oauth.delete(self.route(enpoint), data=data)
                response = self.oauth.get(self.route(enpoint), data=data)
            if response.status_code != 200:
                raise Exception(pprint(response.json()))
                return response.json()
    # init API
    api = RestAPI()
    # test API
    # sampel query
    data = {
        'model': "res.partner",
        'domain': json.dumps([['parent_id.name', '=', "Azure Interior"]]),
        'fields': json.dumps(['name', 'image_small']),
    response = api.execute('/api/v1/search_read', data=data)
    for entry in response:
        entry['image_small'] = entry.get('image_small')[:5] + "..."
    # check customer
    data = {
        'model': "res.partner",
        'domain': json.dumps([['name', '=', "Sample Customer"]]),
        'limit': 1
    response = api.execute('/api/v1/search', data=data)
    customer = next(iter(response), False)
    # create customer
    if not customer:
        values = {
            'name': "Sample Customer",
        data = {
            'model': "res.partner",
            'values': json.dumps(values),
        response = api.execute('/api/v1/create', type="POST", data=data)
        customer = next(iter(response))
    # create product
    values = {
        'name': "Sample Product",
    data = {
        'model': "product.template",
        'values': json.dumps(values),
    response = api.execute('/api/v1/create', type="POST", data=data)
    product = next(iter(response))
    # create order
    values = {
        'partner_id': customer,
        'state': 'sale',
        'order_line': [(0, 0, {'product_id': product})],
    data = {
        'model': "sale.order",
        'values': json.dumps(values),
    response = api.execute('/api/v1/create', type="POST", data=data)
    order = next(iter(response))

    The API as a Framework

    The REST API is also designed as a framework and can be used as a basis for an extension to fit the individual requirements. This code example shows how easy it is to define an endpoint. The parameters in the @api_docs annotation are optional. If no parameters are given, dynamic default values are generated based on the function signature.

    class CommonController(http.Controller):
    	    description='Returns the current user.',
    	        '200': {
    	            'description': 'Current User', 
    	            'content': {
    	                'application/json': {
    	                    'schema': {
    	                        '$ref': '#/components/schemas/CurrentUser'
    	                    'example': {
    	                        'name': 'Admin',
    	                        'uid': 2,
    	    default_responses=['400', '401', '500'],
    	def user(self, **kw):
    	    return make_json_response({
    	        'uid': request.session and request.session.uid, 
    	        'name': request.env.user and request.env.user.name


    There are already very good REST clients in almost every programming language. For example, in Python there is the Requests library to make HTTP calls and Requests-OAuthlib to authenticate with OAuth, to name just one.

    But in case you want to create your own client, you can automatically generate one based on the API documentation. The client is created by Swagger CodeGen and can serve as a good starting point.

    Help and Support

    Feel free to contact us, if you need any help with your CBMS integration or additional features.
    You will get 30 days of support in case of any issues (except data recovery, migration or training).

    Our Services




