Product Category
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CBMS ERP Payroll Overtime
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
CPA Overtime for employee CPA Overtime for employee
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
CPA HelpDesk CPA HelpDesk Custom Addons
CBMS ERP 15,14,13 Customize OEM(Boost, Data reset)
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
<p> App Customize CBMS ODOO (Change Title,Language,Documentation,Quick Debug)<br>
White label CBMS ODOO.<br>
Support CBMS ODOO 15,14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9.<br>
You can config CBMS ODOO, make it look like your own platform.<br>
1. Deletes CBMS ODOO label in footer<br>
2. Replaces “Odoo” in Windows title<br>
3. Customize Documentation, Support, About links and title in usermenu<br>
4. Adds “Developer mode” link to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
5. Adds Quick Language Switcher to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
6. Adds Country flags to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
7. Adds English and Chinese user documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
8. Adds developer documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
9. Customize “My CBMS account” button<br>
10. Standalone setting panel, easy to setup.<br>
11. Provide 236 country flags.<br>
12. Multi-language Support.<br>
13. Change Powered by CBMS ODOO in login screen.(Please change ‘../views/app_odoo_customize_view.xml’ #15)<br>
14. Quick delete test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Project/Message/Workflow etc.<br>
15. Reset All the Sequence to beginning of 1: SO/PO/MO/Invoice…<br>
16. Fix CBMS ODOO reload module translation bug while enable english language<br>
17. Stop CBMS ODOO Auto Subscribe(Moved to app_odoo_boost)<br>
18. Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard<br>
19. One Click to clear all data (Sometime pls click twice)<br>
20. Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to CBMS<br>
21. Can clear and reset account chart. Be cautious<br>
22. Update online manual and developer document to CBMS ODOO12<br>
23. Add reset or clear website blog data<br>
24. Customize CBMS ODOO Native Module(eg. Enterprise) Url<br>
25. Add remove expense data<br>
26. Add multi uninstall modules<br>
27. Add CBMS ODOO boost modules link.<br>
28. Easy Menu manager.<br>
29. Apps version compare. Add Install version in App list. Add Local updatable filter in app list.<br>
30. 1 key export app translate file like .po file.<br>
31. Show or hide CBMS ODOO Referral in the top menu.<br>
32. Fix CBMS ODOO bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location..<br>
33. Add Demo Ribbon Setting.<br>
34. Add Remove all quality data.<br>
35. Fixed for CBMS ODOO 14.<br>
36. Add refresh translate for multi module.<br>
37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id)<br>
38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.</p>
<p> This module can help to white label the CBMS ODOO.<br>
Also helpful for training and support for your CBMS ODOO end-user.<br>
The user can get the help document just by one click.<br>
## 在符合odoo开源协议的前提下,去除odoo版权信息,自定义你的odoo<br>
可完全自行设置下列 CBMS ODOO 选项,让 CBMS ODOO 看上去像是你的软件产品<br>
支持CBMS ODOO 15,14,13,12, 11, 10, 9 版本,社区版企业版通用<br>
1. 删除菜单导航页脚的 CBMS ODOO 标签<br>
2. 将弹出窗口中 “Odoo” 设置为自定义名称<br>
3. 自定义用户菜单中的 Documentation, Support, About 的链接<br>
4. 在用户菜单中增加快速切换开发模式<br>
5. 在用户菜单中增加快速切换多国语言<br>
6. 对语言菜单进行美化,设置国旗图标<br>
7. 在用户菜单中增加中/英文用户手册,可以不用翻墙加速了<br>
8. 在用户菜单中增加开发者手册,含python教程,jquery参考,Jinja2模板,PostgresSQL参考<br>
9. 在用户菜单中自定义”My CBMS account”<br>
10. 单独设置面板,每个选项都可以自定义<br>
11. 提供236个国家的国旗文件(部份需要自行设置文件名)<br>
12. 多语言版本<br>
13. 自定义登陆界面中的 Powered by CBMS ODOO<br>
14. 快速删除测试数据,支持模块包括:销售/POS门店/采购/生产/库存/会计/项目/消息与工作流等.<br>
15. 将各类单据的序号重置,从1开始,包括:SO/PO/MO/Invoice 等<br>
16. 修复odoo启用英文后模块不显示中文的Bug<br>
17. 可停用odoo自动订阅功能,避免“同样对象关注2次”bug,同时提升性能<br>
18. 显示/隐藏应用的作者和网站-在应用安装面板中<br>
19. 一键清除所有数据(视当前数据情况,有时需点击2次)<br>
20. 在应用面板显示快速升级按键,点击时不会导航至 CBMS<br>
21. 清除并重置会计科目表<br>
22. 全新升级将odoo12用户及开发手册导航至国内网站,或者自己定义的网站<br>
23. 增加清除网站数据功能<br>
24. 自定义 CBMS ODOO 原生模块跳转的url(比如企业版模块)<br>
25. 增加删除费用报销数据功能<br>
26. 增加批量卸载模块功能<br>
27. 增加odoo加速功能<br>
28. 快速管理顶级菜单<br>
29. App版本比较,快速查看可本地更新的模块<br>
30. 一键导出翻译文件 po<br>
31. 显示或去除 CBMS ODOO 推荐<br>
32. 增加修复品类及区位名的操作<br>
33. 增加 Demo 的显示设置<br>
34. 增加清除质检数据<br>
35. 优化至odoo14适用<br>
36. 可为多个模块强制更新翻译<br>
37. noupdate字段的快速管理,主要针对 xml_id<br>
38. 对话框可拖拽 </p>
<p> 1 click customize CBMS ODOO, reset data. For quick develop. Set brand, boost, reset data, debug. Language Switcher.<br>
Easy Delete data.reset account chart.<br>
customize my CBMS ODOO. CBMS ODOO customize, CBMS ODOO oem.</p>
CBMS ERP Task Delegation and Subtasks CBMS ODOO
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

BrowseInfo developed a new CBMS ODOO/OpenERP module apps
task tracking Task Delegation and Subtasks Task and Subtasks task management subtasks
project subtasks project task project sub-tasks
task allocation task Project Task SubTask Checklist
Task SubTask Checklis SubTask Checklist
Add Subtasks on Project Task Add Subtasks on task
Custom task Custom project Customized task Divide task Custom Project management.
Sub-task for task Parent child task Subtask Management on Project Delegation on Task Issue ticket
Task tickit Add task improve task management divide task task break system task divide on sub tasks
project divide tasks divide subtasks project phase subtasks project phase sub-tasks
Apps use for Project task Subtasks management and Task Delegation project subtask project sub task tracking project sub-tasks task allocation Task SubTask Checklist Task checklist Add Subtasks on Project Task Add Subtasks on task Custom task customize task
CBMS ERP Sale,Purchase Mass Confirm and Cancel
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Allow To Cancel and Confirm the Sales and Purchase From the Tree View Allow To Cancel and Confirm the Sales and Purchase From the Tree View
CBMS ERP Project Dashboard
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Detailed Dashboard View for Project Detailed Dashboard View for Project
CBMS ERP Email From Settings: Customize Email From Field
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

Use company email address for outgoing email messages
(Some User <> ->
Some User <>)_

Add company name to sender's name in 'From'
(Some User <> ->
Some User via My Company <>)

Add sender's name to company name in 'Reply-to'
(My Company <> ->
Some User via My Company <>)

Set names joint for 'From' and 'Reply-to'
(Some User My Company <> ->
Some User via My Company <>)

Use custom "from" address for CBMS ODOO models (Pro Version)_

Customize 'from' and 'reply-to'
addresses for email messages sent from CBMS ODOO
CBMS ERP Support Package Management
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Support Module is an easy-to-use Support Management app.
It enables users to create, manage, optimize, and monitor
the entire service request from a centralized application.
Support Service and Package Management Module
CBMS ERP Project Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet With Material Request
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

Project Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet.
This modules helps to manage contracting,Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet inculding dynamic material request
CBMS ODOO Project Contracting Project costing project calculation project cost calculation constuction project costing
CBMS ODOO project cost sheet construction material request CBMS ODOO construction project management construction billing system construction cost calculation
CBMS ODOO calculate cost of construction project job contract job contracting Construction job contracting job contract estimation cost estimation project estimation
CBMS ODOO modules helps to manage contracting Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet inculding dynamic material request
CBMS ODOO job costing bundle job costing in construction project cost Estimation construction cost Estimation in CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Send Estimation to your Customers for materials labour overheads details in job estimation.
CBMS ODOO Estimation for Jobs - Material Labour Overheads Material Esitmation
CBMS ODOO Job estimation labour estimation Overheads estimation
BrowseInfo developed a new CBMS ODOO/OpenERP module apps.
This module use for CBMS ODOO Real Estate Management Construction management Building Construction
CBMS ODOO Material Line on JoB Estimation Labour Lines on Job Estimation Overhead Lines on Job Estimation.
CBMS ODOO create Quotation from the Job Estimation overhead on job estimation Construction Projects
CBMS ODOO Budgets Notes Materials Material Request For Job Orders Add Materials
CBMS ODOO Job Orders Create Job Orders Job Order Related Notes Issues Related Project
CBMS ODOO Vendors project construction Vendors Contractors
CBMS ODOO Construction Management Construction Activity Construction Jobs
CBMS ODOO Job Order Construction Job Orders Issues Job Order Notes
CBMS ODOO Construction Notes Job Order Reports
CBMS ODOO Construction Reports Job Order Note Construction app
CBMS ODOO Project Report Task Report
CBMS ODOO Construction Project - Project Manager real estate property
CBMS ODOO propery management bill of material
CBMS ODOO Material Planning On Job Order Bill of Quantity On Job Order
CBMS ODOO Bill of Quantity construction Project job costing on manufacturing
BrowseInfo developed a new CBMS ODOO/OpenERP module apps.
Material request is an instruction to procure a certain quantity of
CBMS ODOO materials by purchase internal transfer or manufacturing.So that goods are available when it require.
CBMS ODOO Material request for purchase, internal transfer or manufacturing
CBMS ODOO Material request for internal transfer Material request for purchase order
CBMS ODOO Material request for purchase tender Material request for tender
CBMS ODOO Material request for manufacturing order.
CBMS ODOO product request subassembly request raw material request order request
CBMS ODOO manufacturing request purchase request purchase tender request internal transfer request
Apps Construction Job Costing construction Cost Sheet job contracting system Construction job order Material Planning On Job Order Construction Material request purchase Material request construction Vendor Contractors Labour estimation Construction Budget
CBMS ERP Car Repair Management
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

Car Repair Request and Management
repair management
Car Repair Management CBMS ODOO/OpenERP
all type of car repair
machine repair
repair order
repair app
repair management
CBMS ODOO repair
Car Repair Management
car repair website
website car repair request by customer
Create car repair order
Add car service details.
Create car diagnosis.
car diagnosis
Car Repair industry
car repair
fleet repair
car repair
bike repair
fleet management
CBMS ODOO repair
repair CBMS ODOO
car maintenance
maintenance CBMS ODOO
repair maintenance
maintenance management
fleet maintenance
CBMS ODOO maintenance
maintenance request
repair request
repair online
repair customer car
customer car repair
maintenance handling
Car Repair Services
Car Diagnosis
Car Repair
Car Repair/Car Repair / Service
Car Repair/Car Repair / Service/Car Diagnosys
Car Repair/Car Repair / Service/Car Repair / Services
Car Repair/Car Repair / Service/Car WorkOrders
Car Repair Request, Car Diagnosis, Car Repair Job Order Management

Car Repair/Cars
Car Repair/Cars/Car Parts
Car Repair/Cars/Cars
Car Repair/Configuration
Car Repair/Configuration/Car Repair Teams
Car Repair/Configuration/Service Types
Car Repair/Configuration/Services
Car Repair/Reports

Car Repair View
Car Label Report
Car & Service Details
Car and Service Details
Car Receipt Report
Car Repair Order
airframe components
engine parts
landing gear components
air conditioning 16600000
air conditioner 13600000
ac air conditioning 9140000
furnace 5000000
air conditioners 3350000
hvac 1830000
air condition 1500000
trane 1220000
air con 1220000
hvac air conditioning 1000000
heat pump 823000
heating air 823000
heating & air 823000
heating and air 823000
air conditioning units 823000
air conditioning unit 823000
air conditioner unit 673000
air conditioner units 673000
heating & cooling 673000
cooling and heating 673000
heating and cooling 673000
air conditioning cooling 673000
heat and air 550000
air conditioning and heating 550000
heating and air conditioning 550000
heating air conditioning 550000
heating & air conditioning 550000
air conditioning heating 550000
portable air conditioner 450000
air conditioner portable 450000
central air 368000
mustufa rangwala
portable air conditioning 368000
air conditioning portable 368000
portable air conditioners 368000
air conditioners portable 368000
air conditioning system 368000
air conditioning repair 301000
repair air conditioning 301000
air conditioner price 301000
window air conditioner 301000
air conditioner repair 246000
portable air conditioning units 246000
repair air conditioner 246000
air conditioning systems 246000
air conditioner system 246000
portable air conditioning unit 246000
ac compressor 246000
split air conditioner 246000
duct cleaning 201000
air conditioning price 201000
ac unit 201000
air conditioner prices 201000
window air conditioning 201000
window air conditioners 201000
air conditioning service 201000
service air conditioning 201000
cost air conditioner 201000
air conditioner cost 201000
ac repair 165000
cost of air conditioning 165000
air conditioning cost 165000
air conditioning compressor 165000
air conditioning prices 165000
heater repair 165000
air conditioner systems 165000
air conditioners price 165000
air conditions 165000
ac units 165000
air conditioner service 165000
service air conditioner 165000
air conditioning equipment 165000
split air conditioners 165000
car air conditioning 165000
hvac heating 165000
furnace parts 165000
ac service 135000
central air conditioning 135000
lg air conditioner 135000
central air conditioner 135000
car air conditioner 135000
service ac 135000
window unit air conditioner 135000
window air conditioning units 135000
air conditioning window units 135000
air conditioners prices 135000
repair order

auto air conditioning 135000
air conditioner reviews 135000
vent cleaning 110000
furnace repair 110000
air conditioning parts 110000
central air conditioners 110000
air conditioning services 110000
home air conditioning 110000
air conditioning home 110000
lg air conditioning 110000
split air conditioning 110000
fix air conditioning 110000
lg air conditioners 110000
fix air conditioner 110000
air condition units 110000
air conditioners reviews 110000
air conditioning servicing 110000
air conditioner servicing 110000
servicing air conditioner 110000
home air conditioner 110000
air conditioner home 110000
air duct cleaning 90500
air conditioner installation 60500
air conditioning installation 60500
air conditioning contractor 40500
hvac contractor 33100
heating contractor 33100
ac installation 27100
ac repair service 22200
air conditioner contractor 9900
ac contractor 5400
ac repair contractor 1300
ac installation service 260
ac installation contractor –
a/c repair –
a/c contractor –
a/c service –
a/c repair service –
a/c installation contractor –
a/c installation service
Conventional Milling Car Service
CONVENTIONAL MILLING car mechanical oriented services
electrical oriented services
Bed scraping
packaging car repair
mechanical engineering
mechanical repair
repair mechanical engineering
the branch of engineering dealing with the design, construction, and use of cars.
cars repair
repair cars
Manufacturing repairs
Manufacturing repair
Manufacturing car repair
Manufacturing car repair order
Manufacturing car maintenance
Manufacturing maintenance
car maintenance
* INHERIT Portal My ticket: project entries (qweb)
* INHERIT Project Task form (form)
* INHERIT Sale Order (form) - add project task (form)
* INHERIT account.analytic.line.tree (tree)
* INHERIT assets_frontend_website_portal_templet (qweb)
* INHERIT hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet (form)
* INHERIT my ticket: project menu entry (qweb)
* INHERIT product.template.form.inherit (form)
* INHERIT ticket form (form)
* INHERIT website_ticket_attachment (qweb)
Display Tickets (qweb)
Car Repair Calendar (calendar)
Car Repair Request (qweb)
Car Repair Team (form)
Car Repair Team (tree)
Car Repair form (form)
Car Repair search (search)
Car Repair tree (tree)
Nature Of Service form (form)
Nature Of Service tree (tree)
Product Consume Part form (form)
Product Consume Part tree (tree)
Repair Estimation Lines form (form)
Repair Estimation Lines tree (tree)
Repair Type form (form)
Repair type tree (tree)
Success Page (qweb)
Success Ticket (qweb)
Support Invalid (qweb)
Thanks (qweb)
display ticket (qweb)
external_layout_footer_car_req (qweb)
external_layout_header_car_req (qweb)
external_layout__req (qweb)
helpesk kanban (kanban) (graph) (pivot)
report_car_repair_req_lable (qweb)
support_report (qweb)

This module develop to handle business/industries of Car Repairs.

Main Features:
* Your Customer can send car repair request from your website and also attach documents.
* Generation of unique car request on submission and record it as car request in backend.
* Customer can check status of all car request tickets submitted by him/her on My Account page.
* Diagnosys of car repair requests and create quotation and send to your customer. * Create Job Order / Work Order and assigned to Responsible or Technician. * Configure Car Repair teams, Services, Service types. * Configure Cars and Car Parts. * Car More images. * Print PDF - Car Request
* Car Request User / Technician can communitcate with customer using chatter and fill timesheet.
* Car Request Manager can close ticket and send bill to customer (Billing from Quotation created from Diagnosys).
* Customer can give feedback and rating of Car Request.
* Manage your Car Request tickets using assignment to multiple Car Request teams.
Menus Available:
-> Repair
Repair/Configuration/Car Repair Teams
Repair/Configuration/Service Types
Repair/Car Repairs
Repair/Car Repairs/Car Diagnosys
Repair/Car Repairs/Car Repair Tickets
Repair/Car Repairs/Car WorkOrders
Repair/Cars/Car Parts
Creating Repair Order
CBMS ODOO workshop
workshop repair
repair workshop
workshop car repair

This app allow you to repair industry of Cars. Car Repair Request, Car Diagnosis, Car Repair Job Order Management
CBMS ERP Cloth Tailor with Job Cost Sheet
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

Cloth Tailor with Job Cost Sheet
cloth tailor
job cost sheet
cost sheet
job costing
cloth tailoring
Create job cost sheet for cloth requests / job costing for tailoring request.
CBMS ERP Job Order Extend
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Job order extend Job order extend
CBMS ERP CBMS Payroll Automation
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

CBMS Payroll Automation
Job order extend
CBMS ERP Create Expense From Task
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
This module is used to to create multiple expense from
project task and also we can split the expense amount between the
assignees This module is used to create expenses from project task
CBMS ERP Support Request
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
CBMS ODOO Support Create CBMS ODOO Support Request To Cybrosys
CBMS ERP Magic Note
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Set a date interval in integers. All notes belonging
to the period will be assigned the defined colour. Automatically Change the Colour Based on the Date Interval
Config of Notes
CBMS ERP Manufacturing Timesheet
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
This module will help you to create timesheet for
manufacturing orders according to the work order time tracking.Separate
Project and tasks will be created for managing manufacturing orders Timesheet for manufacturing orders.
CBMS ERP Tailor Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

This module will help to make job costing,
It will include all the purchase order, Timesheet, and Vendors Bill also.

job cost sheet
CBMS ODOO Job Costing And Job Cost Sheet (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job cost sheet
job cost sheet CBMS ODOO
contracting CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO construction
job costing (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job costing (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job costing Contracting
job order CBMS ODOO
work order CBMS ODOO
job Contracting
job costing
job cost Contracting
CBMS ODOO Contracting
Contracting CBMS ODOO job
Jobs/Configuration/Job Types
Jobs/Job Costs
Jobs/Job Costs/Job Cost Sheets
Jobs/Job Orders
Jobs/Job Orders/Job Notes
Jobs/Job Orders/Job Orders
Jobs/Job Orders/Project Issues
Job Costing
Project Report
Task Report
Jobs/Materials / BOQ
Jobs/Materials / BOQ /Material Requisitions/ BOQ
Jobs/Materials / BOQ /Materials
Jobs/Projects/Project Budgets
Jobs/Projects/Project Notes
Jobs/Sub Contractors
Jobs/Sub Contractors /Sub Contractors
material requision CBMS ODOO
job Contracting
job sheet
job cost Contracting
job cost plan
cost Contracting
Email: for more details.
This module provide Construction Management Related Activity.
Construction Projects
Material Request For Job Orders
Add Materials
Job Orders
Create Job Orders
Job Order Related Notes
Issues Related Project
Vendors / Contractors

Construction Management
Construction Activity
Construction Jobs
Job Order Construction
Job Orders Issues
Job Order Notes
Construction Notes
Job Order Reports
Construction Reports
Job Order Note
Construction app

Construction Management

This module provide feature to manage Construction Management activity.
Construction/Configuration /Stages
Construction/Job Orders
Construction/Job Orders /Issues
Construction/Job Orders /Job Orders
Construction/Job Orders /Notes
Construction/Materials / BOQ
Construction/Materials /Material Requisitions / BOQ
Construction/Materials /Materials
Construction/Vendors /Contractors
Defined Reports
Project Report
Task Report
Construction Project - Project Manager
real estate property
propery management
bill of material
Material Planning On Job Order

Bill of Quantity On Job Order
Bill of Quantity construction
job costing
job cost sheet
cost sheet
project cost sheet
project planning
project sheet cost
job costing plan
Construction cost sheet
Construction job cost sheet
Construction jobs
Construction job sheet
Construction material
Construction labour
Construction overheads
Construction sheet plan
job workshop
cost centers
Construction purchase order
Construction activities
Basic Job Costing
Job Costing Example
job order costing
job order
job orders
Tracking Labor
Tracking Material
Tracking Overhead
material plan
job overhead
job labor
Job Cost Sheet
Example For Larger Job
Job costing is a method of costing applied in industries where production is measured in terms of completed jobs. Industries where job costing is generally applied are Printing Press. Automobile Garage, Repair workshops, Ship Building, Foundry and other similar manufacturing units which manufacture to customers� specific requirements.

Job costing is a method of costing whereby cost is compiled for a job or work order. The production is against customer�s orders and not for stock. The cost is not related to the unit of production but is a cost for the job, e. g printing of 5000 ledger sheets, repairs of 50 equipment�s, instead of printing one sheet or repair of one equipment.

The elements of cost comprising Prime Cost viz. direct materials, direct labour and direct expenses are charged directly to the jobs concerned, the overhead charged to a job is an apportioned portion of the departmental overhead.
Advantages of Job Order Costing

Features of Job Costing
Enabling Job Costing
Creating Cost Centres for Job Costing
project job cost
project job costing
project job contracting
project job contract
job contract
jobs contract
Construction app
Construction CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Construction
Create Project/Contract -> Create Job Orders -> Create Multiple Job Cost Sheets under Same Project -> Plan your materials, labour and overhead for each Jobs -> View of Planned and Actual Amount/Qty by each Cost Sheet Lines (Material, Labour and Overheads) -> Allow your purchase, accounting and HR department to select cost center (cost sheet) and cost center line (cost sheet line) to encode for expenses and labour works. -> Create Job Order Issues -> Create Material Requision Request -> Prepare Notes/ToDo lists for Projects and Jobs. ->
This module allow you to manager any type of project with its job costing (contracting) and job cost sheets.
CBMS ERP Reports With Signature
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Allows to print the Signature in all PDF reports easily All PDF reports of CBMS ODOO with Signature
CBMS ERP Project Dynamic Fields
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Adding Custom Fields for Project Module,Odoo14. Easy to
track how many custom fields are created. There is no need of technical
knowledge to create custom fields Adding Custom Fields for Project Module

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.