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₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Publish events, sell tickets Organize Events, Trainings & Webinars

### Schedule, Promote, Sell, Organize

Organize, promote and sell events online. Whether you organize meetings, conferences, trainings or webinars, CBMS ODOO gives you all the features you need to manage your events.

Create Awesome Event Pages

### Get rid of old WYSIWYG editors

Create beautiful event pages by drag & droping well designed *'Building Blocks'*. Publish event photos, speakers, schedule, etc.

Odoo's unique *'edit inline'* approach makes website creation surprisingly easy. "Want to introduce a speaker? to change the price of a ticket? to update a banner? promote sponsors?" just click and change.

Sell Tickets Online

### Automate the registration and payment process

Sell registrations to your event with the multi-ticketing feature. Events can be free or for a fee. Attendees can pay online with a credit card or on invoice, based on your configuration.

Boost your sales with early-bird prices, special conditions for members, or extra services with multiple tickets.

A Clean Google Analytics Integration

### Control your sales funnel with Google Analytics

Get a clear visibility of your sales funnel. CBMS ODOO's Google Analytics trackers are configured by default to track all kind of events related to shopping carts, call-to-actions, etc.

As CBMS ODOO marketing tools (mass mailing, campaigns, etc) are also linked with Google Analytics, you get a full view of your business.

Promote Events Efficiently

### Mass Mailing & Social Media

Use the segmentation, the social network integration and mass mailing features to promote your events to the right audience. Setup automated emails to attendees to send them last minute details.

Designer-Friendly Themes

### Designers love working on CBMS ODOO

Themes are awesome and easy to design. You don't need to develop to create new pages, themes or building blocks. We use a clean HTML structure, a [bootstrap]( CSS and our modularity allows to distribute your themes easily.

The building block approach allows the website to stay clean after the end-users start creating new contents.

Make Your Event More Visible

### SEO tools at your finger tips

SEO tools are ready to use, with no configuration required. CBMS ODOO suggests keywords according to Google most searched terms, Google Analytics tracks your shopping cart events and sitemap are created automatically.

We even do structured content automatically to promote your events and products efficiently in Google.

Leverage Social Media

### Optimize: from Ads to Conversions

Create new landing pages easily with the CBMS ODOO inline editing feature. Send visitors of your different marketing campaigns to event landing pages to optimize conversions.

And Much More...

### Schedule

- Calendar of Events
- Publish related documents
- Ressources allocation
- Automate purchases (catering...)
- Multiple locations and organizers
- Mobile Interface

### Sell

- Online or offline sales
- Automated invoicing
- Cancellation policies
- Specific prices for members
- Dashboards and reporting

### Organize

- Advanced Planification
- Print Badges
- Automate Follow-up Emails
- Min/Max capacities
- Manage classes and ressources
- Create group of attendees
- Automate statisfaction surveys

Fully Integrated With Others Apps

### Get hundreds of open source apps for free

### eCommerce

Promote products, sell online, optimize visitors' shopping experiences.

### Blogs

Write news, attract new visitors, build customer loyalty.

### Our Team

Create a great "About us" page by presenting your team efficiently.
CBMS ERP Discuss
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Chat, mail gateway and private channels CBMS ODOO Enterprise Social Network

Connect with experts, follow what interests you, share documents and promote
best practices with CBMS ODOO Enterprise Social Network</a>. Get work done with
effective collaboration across departments, geographies, documents and business
applications. All of this while decreasing email overload.

Connect with experts

Next time you have a question for the marketing, sales, R&D or any other
department, don't send an email blast-post the question to CBMS ODOO and get answers
from the right persons.

Follow what interests you

Want to get informed about new product features, hot deals, bottlenecks in
projects or any other event? Just follow what interests you to get the
information you need what you need; no more, no less.

Get Things Done

You can process (not only read) the inbox and easily mark messages for future
actions. Start feeling the pleasure of having an empty inbox every day; no more
overload of information.

Promote best practices

Cut back on meetings and email chains by working together in groups of
interests. Create a group to let people share files, discuss ideas, and vote to
promote best practices.

Improve Access to Information and Expertise

Break down information silos. Search across your existing systems to find the
answers and expertise you need to complete projects quickly.

Collaborate securely

Set the right security policy; public, private or on invitation only --
according to the information sensitivity.

A Twitter-like Network For My Company

Make every employee feel more connected and engaged with twitter-like features
for your own company. Follow people, share best practices, 'like' top ideas,
CBMS ERP Calendar
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Schedule employees' meetings
This is a full-featured calendar system.

It supports:
- Calendar of events
- Recurring events

If you need to manage your meetings, you should install the CRM module.
CBMS ERP Appraisal
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Assess your employees
Periodical Employees appraisal

By using this application you can maintain the motivational process by doing periodical appraisals of your employees performance. The regular assessment of human resources can benefit your people as well your organization.

An appraisal plan can be assigned to each employee. These plans define the frequency and the way you manage your periodic personal appraisal.

Key Features
* Ability to create employee's appraisal(s).
* An appraisal can be created by an employee's manager or automatically based on schedule which is defined in the employee form.
* The appraisal is done according to a plan in which various surveys can be created. Each survey can be answered by a particular level in the employees hierarchy. The final review and appraisal is done by the manager.
* Manager, colleague, collaborator, and employee himself/herself receives email to perform a periodical appraisal.
* Every Appraisal Form filled by employees, colleague, collaborator, can be viewed in a PDF form.
* Meeting Requests are created manually according to employees appraisals.
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Manage your fleet and track car costs
Vehicle, leasing, insurances, cost
With this module, CBMS ODOO helps you managing all your vehicles, the
contracts associated to those vehicle as well as services, costs
and many other features necessary to the management of your fleet
of vehicle(s)

Main Features
* Add vehicles to your fleet
* Manage contracts for vehicles
* Reminder when a contract reach its expiration date
* Add services, odometer values for all vehicles
* Show all costs associated to a vehicle or to a type of service
* Analysis graph for costs
CBMS ERP Approvals
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Create and validate approvals requests
This module manages approvals workflow

This module manages approval requests like business trips,
out of office, overtime, borrow items, general approvals,
procurements, contract approval, etc.

According to the approval type configuration, a request
creates next activities for the related approvers.
CBMS ERP Employee Referral
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Let your employees share job positions and refer their friends Let your employees share job positions and refer their friends
CBMS ERP Attendances
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Track employee attendance
This module aims to manage employee's attendances.

Keeps account of the attendances of the employees on the basis of the
actions(Check in/Check out) performed by them.
CBMS ERP Internet of Things
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Basic models and helpers to support Internet of Things.
This module provides management of your IoT Boxes inside CBMS ODOO.
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Organize your work with memos CBMS ODOO Notes

Organize yourself with efficient <a href="">todo lists and notes</a>.
From personal tasks to collaborative meeting minutes, increase your user's
productivity by giving them the tools to prioritize their work, share their
ideas and collaborate on documents.

Personal to-do lists that works

Quickly create to-dos, organize horizontally for the mid-term (today, this week, this month, ...), prioritize vertically for the short term and group by assigning colors. The kanban approach allows a simple visual organization of your to-dos.

### Beat Work Overload

Feel how good it is to rely on a structured way to organize your work instead of keeping everything in memory. Use notes to [Get Things Done](

### Prioritize Efficiently

Most people are lost in the flow of urgent daily tasks and have difficulties to work on important, long-term tasks. Notes gives you a simple way to allocate time very day to do important, but less urgent tasks.

### Find Motivation to Close Tasks

People used to work on tasks they like and not on important tasks. Start feeling good by checking tasks as done.

Adapts to Your Creative Process

### Customize to your own workflow

Everyone has their own way to organize activities. CBMS ODOO Notes' smart kanban approach allows every user to customize their own steps to process it's to-dos and notes.

### A Creative Person

A creative person will organize notes based on idea's maturity level: Draft Ideas ** Mature Ideas ** Specified **To Do

### A Frequent Traveler

An employee travelling a lot can organize their tasks based on the context to perform the task: U.S. Office | London's Office | To Review during Flights | At Home

### A Manager

A manager will organize their high number of tasks based on prioritizations: Todo Today | This Week | This Month | Later

Personnal Notes

### Notes are private but can be shared

Write down your ideas in pads, keep your notes at your finger tips, attach related documents and use tags and colors to organize the information. Once your ideas are mature, you can share them to others users, start discussing it and collaborate by improving the specification in the pad.

Collaborative Meeting Minutes

### Real-time sharing and editing of notes

The real time collaborative writings on notes makes it the perfect tool to collaborate on meeting minutes. Attendees will be able to contribute to the minutes, attach important documents or discuss on the related thread.

CBMS ERP Skills Management
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Manage skills, knowledge and resumé of your employees
Skills and Resumé for HR

This module introduces skills and resumé management for employees.
CBMS ERP Payroll
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Manage your employee payroll records
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Handle lunch orders of your employees
The base module to manage lunch.

Many companies order sandwiches, pizzas and other, from usual vendors, for their employees to offer them more facilities.

However lunches management within the company requires proper administration especially when the number of employees or vendors is important.

The “Lunch Order” module has been developed to make this management easier but also to offer employees more tools and usability.

In addition to a full meal and vendor management, this module offers the possibility to display warning and provides quick order selection based on employee’s preferences.

If you want to save your employees' time and avoid them to always have coins in their pockets, this module is essential.
CBMS ERP Employee Contracts
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

Add all information on the employee form to manage contracts.

* Contract
* Place of Birth,
* Medical Examination Date
* Company Vehicle

You can assign several contracts per employee.
CBMS ERP Chile - E-invoicing
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN

EDI Chilean Localization
This code allows to generate the DTE document for Chilean invoicing.
- DTE (Electronic Taxable Document) format in XML
- Direct Communication with SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) to send invoices and other tax documents related to sales.
- Communication with Customers to send sale DTEs.
- Communication with Suppliers (vendors) to accept DTEs from them.
- Direct Communication with SII informing the acceptance or rejection of vendor bills or other DTEs.

In order to see the barcode on the invoice, you need the pdf417gen library.

CBMS ERP LATAM Localization Base
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
LATAM Identification Types
Add a new model named "Identification Type" that extend the vat field functionality in the partner and let the user to identify (an eventually invoice) to contacts not only with their fiscal tax ID (VAT) but with other types of identifications like national document, passport, foreign ID, etc. With this module installed you will see now in the partner form view two fields:

* Identification Type
* Identification Number

This behavior is a common requirement for some latam countries like Argentina and Chile. If your localization has this requirements then you need to depend on this module and define in your localization module the identifications types that are used in your country. Generally these types of identifications are defined by the government authorities that regulate the fiscal operations. For example:

* AFIP in Argentina defines DNI, CUIT (vat for legal entities), CUIL (vat for natural person), and another 80 valid identification types.

Each identification holds this information:

* name: short name of the identification
* description: could be the same short name or a long name
* country_id: the country where this identification belongs
* is_vat: identify this record as the corresponding VAT for the specific country.
* sequence: let us to sort the identification types depending on the ones that are most used.
* active: we can activate/inactivate identifications to make it easier to our customers

In order to make this module compatible for multi-company environments where we have companies that does not need/support this requirement, we have added generic identification types and generic rules to manage the contact information and make it transparent for the user when only use the VAT as we formerly know.

Generic Identifications:

* VAT: The Fiscal Tax Identification or VAT number, by default will be selected as identification type so the user will only need to add the related vat number.
* Passport
* Foreign ID (Foreign National Document)

Rules when creating a new partner: We will only see the identification types that are meaningful, taking into account these rules:

* If the partner have not country address set: Will show the generic identification types plus the ones defined in the partner's related company country (If the partner has not specific company then will show the identification types related to the current user company)

* If the partner has country address : will show the generic identification types plus the ones defined for the country of the partner.

When creating a new company, will set to the related partner always the related country is_vat identification type.

All the defined identification types can be reviewed and activate/deactivate in "Contacts / Configuration / Identification Type" menu.

This module is compatible with base_vat module in order to be able to validate VAT numbers for each country that have or not have the possibility to manage multiple identification types.
CBMS ERP Task Logs
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Track employee time on tasks
This module implements a timesheet system.

Each employee can encode and track their time spent on the different projects.

Lots of reporting on time and employee tracking are provided.

It is completely integrated with the cost accounting module. It allows you to set
up a management by affair.
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Record time
This module implements a timer.

It adds a timer to a view for time recording purpose
CBMS ERP Appraisal - Survey
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
360 Feedback
This module adds an integration with Survey to ask feedbacks to any employee, based on a survey to fill.
CBMS ERP Work Entries
₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 ₦ 5,000.00 5000.0 NGN
Manage work entries

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.