CBMS ODOO ERP POS: reason for removal


POS: reason for removal

The module allows to add a reason on canceling order or orderline in POS.


* On canceling user can click on predefined Reason and specify custom one
* Canceled order is saved at database
* Canceled order line is saved at database


* Dinar Gabbasov <gabbasov@it-projects.info>
* Kolushov Alexandr <kolushov@it-projects.info>

* `Sinomate <http://sinomate.net/>`__

* `IT-Projects LLC <https://it-projects.info>`__

Further information

Demo: http://runbot.it-projects.info/demo/pos-addons/13.0

HTML Description: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/pos_order_cancel/

Usage instructions: `<doc/index.rst>`_

Changelog: `<doc/changelog.rst>`_

Tested on CBMS ODOO 13.0 cdfa415829fa06f2860d65054fd8534180c8526a
Store all cases of product removing and allow to specify reasons for it

₦ 10,000.00 10000.0 NGN ₦ 10,000.00

₦ 10,000.00

    This combination does not exist.

    Terms and Conditions
    30-day money-back guarantee
    Shipping: 2-3 Business Days

    '========================= POS: reason for removal ========================= The module allows to add a reason on canceling order or orderline in POS. Besides, * On canceling user can click on predefined Reason and specify custom one * Canceled order is saved at database * Canceled order line is saved at database Credits ======= Contributors ------------ * Dinar Gabbasov * Kolushov Alexandr Sponsors -------- * `Sinomate `__ Maintainers ----------- * `IT-Projects LLC `__ Further information =================== Demo: http://runbot.it-projects.info/demo/pos-addons/13.0 HTML Description: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/pos_order_cancel/ Usage instructions: ``_ Changelog: ``_ Tested on Odoo 13.0 cdfa415829fa06f2860d65054fd8534180c8526a