CBMS ODOO ERP POS: Prepaid credits


.. image:: https://itpp.dev/images/infinity-readme.png
:alt: Tested and maintained by IT Projects Labs
:target: https://itpp.dev

POS: Prepaid credits

The module allows to make sale on credit.

Debt (Credit) value is changed whenever:

* Product marked as "Credit Product" is sold via POS or via Invoices. Invoices created via website_sale (eCommerce) module are supported too.
* POS payment is made via journal marked as "Debt journal"
* "Manual Credit Updates" is added

Other features:

* each user has Debt Limit field. By default is 0, i.e. user has to pay in advance and cannot have negative credits amount.
* Working with employees of company. You can get a sum of Credits of all employess of any company. You can make invoices per each employee at once to updates their Credits.

Installation Deinstallation

* Debt data are still available after the module will be re-installed.
* When new (first after install) POS session is opened, a debt payment method would added in a POS config.
* If the module was install and uninstall immediately (without created POS sessions) then it keeps no data.
* If a user deleted debt journal from POS config manually then after the module is upgraded
POS config would not be changed.
* Multicompany mode is supported


* TODO. Field ``journal_id`` in ``pos.credit.update`` model should be replaced with ``pos_payment_method_id = fields.Many2on('pos.payment.method')``

* TODO. New option for **Zero transactions** feature: allow to create extra order line with negative amount instead of applying discounts.

* It creates extra record in accounting system (pos.order.line). It can be used as a backup for *Manual Updates*
* It works with following problem case:

In case of purchasing products with taxes not included in the price, such journals cannot be used along with normal payments

* TODO. Improvements on heavy usage (Many POSes, Many Partners)

* Num of users with cached Debt History must be limited
* Limit issue in ``reload_debts`` (check FIXME note there)
* Many POSes do the same requests on getting updates from longpolling. Solution:

* Customizable timeout in ``on_debt_updates`` method in ``pos_debt_notebook_sync`` module.
* ``reload_debts`` called with ``"postpone": false`` must ignore existing timer


To get an assistance on this module contact us by email :arrow_right: help@itpp.dev

* `Ivan Yelizariev <https://it-projects.info/team/yelizariev>`__
* `Stanislav Krotov <https://it-projects.info/team/ufaks>`__
* `Dinar Gabbasov <https://it-projects.info/team/GabbasovDinar>`__
* `Kolushov Alexandr <https://it-projects.info/team/KolushovAlexandr>`__

Further information

CBMS ODOO Apps Store: https://apps.mymycbms.com/apps/modules/14.0/pos_debt_notebook/

Tested on `CBMS ODOO 14.0 <https://github.com/odoo/mymycbms.commit/c28a32daa56193d97f0d91dac1fe560603b8837b>`_
Comfortable sales for your regular customers. Debt payment method for POS

₦ 10,000.00 10000.0 NGN ₦ 10,000.00

₦ 10,000.00

    This combination does not exist.

    Terms and Conditions
    Basic  ERP Monthly Subscription Prices listed above.  Chosen Software will be Installed with 1 Admin User account, You can Customize it or Increase the number of Staff Users and Modules Features Needed for your Project after your ERP Basic Account Independent Database  is Installed and Setup 

    .. image:: https://itpp.dev/images/infinity-readme.png :alt: Tested and maintained by IT Projects Labs :target: https://itpp.dev ====================== POS: Prepaid credits ====================== The module allows to make sale on credit. Debt (Credit) value is changed whenever: * Product marked as "Credit Product" is sold via POS or via Invoices. Invoices created via website_sale (eCommerce) module are supported too. * POS payment is made via journal marked as "Debt journal" * "Manual Credit Updates" is added Other features: * each user has Debt Limit field. By default is 0, i.e. user has to pay in advance and cannot have negative credits amount. * Working with employees of company. You can get a sum of Credits of all employess of any company. You can make invoices per each employee at once to updates their Credits. Installation Deinstallation ============================= * Debt data are still available after the module will be re-installed. * When new (first after install) POS session is opened, a debt payment method would added in a POS config. * If the module was install and uninstall immediately (without created POS sessions) then it keeps no data. * If a user deleted debt journal from POS config manually then after the module is upgraded POS config would not be changed. * Multicompany mode is supported Roadmap ======= * TODO. Field ``journal_id`` in ``pos.credit.update`` model should be replaced with ``pos_payment_method_id = fields.Many2on('pos.payment.method')`` * TODO. New option for **Zero transactions** feature: allow to create extra order line with negative amount instead of applying discounts. * It creates extra record in accounting system (pos.order.line). It can be used as a backup for *Manual Updates* * It works with following problem case: In case of purchasing products with taxes not included in the price, such journals cannot be used along with normal payments * TODO. Improvements on heavy usage (Many POSes, Many Partners) * Num of users with cached Debt History must be limited * Limit issue in ``reload_debts`` (check FIXME note there) * Many POSes do the same requests on getting updates from longpolling. Solution: * Customizable timeout in ``on_debt_updates`` method in ``pos_debt_notebook_sync`` module. * ``reload_debts`` called with ``"postpone": false`` must ignore existing timer Questions? ========== To get an assistance on this module contact us by email :arrow_right: help@itpp.dev Contributors ============ * `Ivan Yelizariev `__ * `Stanislav Krotov `__ * `Dinar Gabbasov `__ * `Kolushov Alexandr `__ Further information =================== Odoo Apps Store: https://apps.mycbms.com/apps/modules/14.0/pos_debt_notebook/ Tested on `Odoo 14.0 `_