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CBMS ERP Vantiv Payment Services
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Credit card support for Point Of Sale
Allow credit card POS payments

This module allows customers to pay for their orders with credit
cards. The transactions are processed by Vantiv (developed by Wells
Fargo Bank). A Vantiv merchant account is necessary. It allows the

* Fast payment by just swiping a credit card while on the payment screen
* Combining of cash payments and credit card payments
* Cashback
* Supported cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
CBMS ERP Restaurant POS
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Restaurant extensions for the Point of Sale

This module adds several features to the Point of Sale that are specific to restaurant management:
- Bill Printing: Allows you to print a receipt before the order is paid
- Bill Splitting: Allows you to split an order into different orders
- Kitchen Order Printing: allows you to print orders updates to kitchen or bar printers

CBMS ERP POS Restaurant Adyen
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Adds American style tipping to Adyen
CBMS ERP IoT for restaurants
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Connect kitchen printers to your PoS
Use receipt printers connected to an IoT Box to print orders in the kitchen or at the bar.
CBMS ERP Point of Sale Settle Due
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Settle custumer's due in the POS UI.
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Integrate your POS with a Six payment terminal
CBMS ERP Chile - Electronic Receipt
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Purpose of the Module:

As part of the SII requirements (Legal requirement in Chile),
beginning on March 2021 boletas transactions must be sent to the SII under the
electronic workflow using a different web service than the one used for electronic Invoices.
Previously, there was no need to send the boletas to the SII, just a daily report.

Additionally of sending the Boleta individually (with the EDI workflow),
at the end of the day, a daily summary with all the Boletas transactions
should be sent to the SII - electronically (also a legal requirement).
This is called "Libro de ventas diarias" (former "reporte de consumo de folios" or RCOF).

Differences between Electronic boletas vs Electronic Invoicing Workflows:

These workflows have some important differences that lead us to do this PR with the specific changes.
Here are the differences:

* The mechanism for sending the electronic boletas information needs dedicated servers, different from those used at the reception electronic invoice ("Palena" for the production environment - and "Maullin" for the test environment -
* The authentication services, querying the status of a delivery and the status of a document will be different.
* The authentication token obtained
* The XML schema for sending the electronic boletas was updated with the incorporation of new tags
* The validation diagnosis of electronic boletas will be delivered through a "REST" web service that has as an input the track-id of the delivery. Electronic Invoices will continue to receive their diagnoses via e-mail.
* The track-id ("identificador de envío") associated with the electronic boletas will be 15 digits long. (Electronics Invoice is 10)

Highlights from this SII Guide:
CBMS ERP Chile - E-Invoicing Delivery Guide
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

The delivery guide (guia de despacho) is needed as a proof
that you are sending goods between A and B.

It is configurable on the partner if prices are needed on the
delivery guide and if they need to come from the sale order
or the product itself.

It is only when a delivery order is validated that you can create the delivery
guide. Then it will follow the same flow as for the invoices, sending it to
the SII.
CBMS ERP Argentinean Electronic Invoicing
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN


Be able to create journals in CBMS ODOO to create electronic customer invoices and report then to AFIP (via webservices).
The options available are:

* Electronic Invoice - Web Service
* Export Voucher - Web Service
* Electronic Fiscal Bond - Web Service

In the electronic journals if you validate an invoice this one will be validated in both CBMS ODOO and AFIP. This validation is
made at the instant and we recieve and "approved/approved with observation/rejected" state from AFIP. If the invoice has
been rejected by AFIP will not be post in the system and a pop up message will be shown with both the error detail (reject reasons)
we recieve and a HINT about what the problem could be.

For auditing and troubleshooting purposes we also add a menu "Consulit Invoice in AFIP" that let us to consult invoices previously
sent to AFIP and last number used as support for any possible issues on the sequences synchronization between CBMS ODOO and AFIP.

NOTE: From the Journal's form view we are able to force a sync between the CBMS ODOO sequences to each of the document types in
with the last numbers registered in AFIP.

From vendor bills, we have added a functionality that can be configured in the accounting settings to be able to verify
vendor bills in AFIP to check if the vendor bills are real (more information please review the setting description).


1. Go to the Accounting Settings > Argentinean Localization section

1.1. Configure the AFIP Web Services mode:

* Testing environment in order to use demo certificates that will be use to test the instance and to make NOT
real invoices to AFIP. is just for testing. For demo instaces is already pre-defined you will not need to configure
it (commonly named in AFIP as Homologation environment).
* Production environment in order to generate real certificates and legal invoices to AFIP,

1.2. Configure your AFIP Certificate: If you are in a demo instance this one will be have been set by default. If you
are in production instance just need to go to upload your AFIP Certificate

1.3. Optionally you can define if you like to be eable to verify vendor bills in AFIP.

2. Create Sales journals that will represent each one of your AFIP POS (Available in AFIP Portal) you want to use in CBMS ODOO.

2.1. Use Documents field is set by default please dont change
2.2. Set AFIP POS System for one of the electronic ones.

* Electronic Invoice - Web Service'
* Electronic Fiscal Bond - Web Service'
* Export Voucher - Web Service'

2.3. Set the AFIP POS Number and AFIP POS Address taking into account what you have configured in your AFIP Portal.

NOTE: You can use the "Check Available AFIP POS" button in Journal's form to corroborate the to use to create the journals.

For more information about Argentinean Electronic invoicing please go to


The web services that are implemented are the ones that are the most common:

* wsfev1 - "Factura Electrónica" (Electronic Invoice)
* wsbfev1 - "Bono Fiscal Electrónico" (Electronic Fiscal Bond)
* wsfexv1 - "Factura de Exportación Electrónica" (Electronic Exportation Invoice - same as Export Voucher)
* wscdc - "Constatación de Comprobantes" (Invoices Verification)

For Development information go to - Manual para el desarrollador.pdf

CBMS ERP WMS Landed Costs
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Landed Costs
Landed Costs Management
This module allows you to easily add extra costs on pickings and decide the split of these costs among their stock moves in order to take them into account in your stock valuation.
CBMS ERP Assets Management
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Assets management
Manage assets owned by a company or a person.
Keeps track of depreciations, and creates corresponding journal entries.

CBMS ERP Purchase Stock
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Bills for Stock
CBMS ERP Purchase Requisition Stock
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
CBMS ERP Vendor Bill: Release to Pay
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Manage 3-way matching on vendor bills

In the manufacturing industry, people often receive the vendor bills before
receiving their purchase, but they don't want to pay the bill until the goods
have been delivered.

The solution to this situation is to create the vendor bill when you get it
(based on ordered quantities) but only pay the invoice when the received
quantities (on the PO lines) match the recorded vendor bill.

This module introduces a "release to pay" mechanism that marks for each vendor
bill whether it can be paid or not.

Each vendor bill receives one of the following three states:

- Yes (The bill can be paid)
- No (The bill cannot be paid, nothing has been delivered yet)
- Exception (Received and invoiced quantities differ)
CBMS ERP Check Printing Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Check printing enterprise addons
This module adds the possibility to filter by check number in the reconciliation
CBMS ERP Assets/Fleet bridge
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Manage assets with fleets
CBMS ERP Assets Management with Non-Deductible Taxes (NDT)
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Manage assets that are linked to items with non-deductible taxes
CBMS ERP Account Automatic Transfers
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Account Automatic Transfers<br>
Manage automatic transfers between your accounts.</p>
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
CBMS ERP Avatax for SO
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

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