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CBMS ERP Product Labels Printing on ZPL
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Module allows to print custom product barcode labels on different paper formats on printers with ZPL/ZPL2 language.
Print custom product labels on ZPL printers
CBMS ERP Gender In Contacts
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This module helps you to manage the gender information of your partners in
the contacts.

This module will help you to give gender details for your contacts.
CBMS ERP Product Sale Report Graph View
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Sale Reports of Individual Products in Graph view Sale Report of Individual Products in Graph view
CBMS ERP Barcode scanning in Inventory
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
.. image::
:alt: License: AGPL-3

Barcode scanning in inventory
This module will used for barcode scanning in inventory.

[stock] addon CBMS ODOO

* No additional configurations needed

* `CBMS Technologies Ltd. <>`__

* Developer: Niyas Raphy@CBMS
Sreejith P @CBMS
Version 13: Nimisha Murali@CBMS

* Mail Contact :
* Website :

Bug Tracker
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.

.. image::

This module is maintained by CBMS Technologies.

For support and more information, please visit `Our Website <>`__

Further information
HTML Description: `<static/description/index.html>`__

Barcode Support in Stock Picking.
CBMS ERP Inventory All In One Report Generator
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Dynamic Inventory Report Generator Dynamic Inventory Report Generator
CBMS ERP Estimation for Jobs - Material / Labour / Overheads
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

CBMS ODOO Sale Estimates
This module create and send job estimate to customer and create quotation
create and send job estimate to customer
create job estimate
Add Material Estimate
Add Labour Estimate
Estimation for Jobs - Material / Labour / Overheads
Add Overhead Estimate
send job estimate
create job estimate
send job estimate
This module will help to make job costing,
It will include all the purchase order, Timesheet, and Vendors Bill also.

job cost sheet
CBMS ODOO Job Costing And Job Cost Sheet (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job cost sheet
job cost sheet CBMS ODOO
contracting CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO construction
job costing (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job costing (Contracting)
CBMS ODOO job costing Contracting
job order CBMS ODOO
work order CBMS ODOO
job Contracting
job costing
job cost Contracting
CBMS ODOO Contracting
Contracting CBMS ODOO job
Jobs/Configuration/Job Types
Jobs/Job Costs
Jobs/Job Costs/Job Cost Sheets
Jobs/Job Orders
Jobs/Job Orders/Job Notes
Jobs/Job Orders/Job Orders
Jobs/Job Orders/Project Issues
Job Costing
Project Report
Task Report
Jobs/Materials / BOQ
Jobs/Materials / BOQ /Material Requisitions/ BOQ
Jobs/Materials / BOQ /Materials
Jobs/Projects/Project Budgets
Jobs/Projects/Project Notes
Jobs/Sub Contractors
Jobs/Sub Contractors /Sub Contractors
material requision CBMS ODOO
job Contracting
job sheet
job cost Contracting
job cost plan
cost Contracting
Email: for more details.
This module provide Construction Management Related Activity.
Construction Projects
Material Request For Job Orders
Add Materials
Job Orders
Create Job Orders
Job Order Related Notes
Issues Related Project
Vendors / Contractors

Construction Management
Construction Activity
Construction Jobs
Job Order Construction
Job Orders Issues
Job Order Notes
Construction Notes
Job Order Reports
Construction Reports
Job Order Note
Construction app

Construction Management

This module provide feature to manage Construction Management activity.
Construction/Configuration /Stages
Construction/Job Orders
Construction/Job Orders /Issues
Construction/Job Orders /Job Orders
Construction/Job Orders /Notes
Construction/Materials / BOQ
Construction/Materials /Material Requisitions / BOQ
Construction/Materials /Materials
Construction/Vendors /Contractors
Defined Reports
Project Report
Task Report
Construction Project - Project Manager
real estate property
propery management
bill of material
Material Planning On Job Order

Bill of Quantity On Job Order
Bill of Quantity construction
job costing
job cost sheet
cost sheet
project cost sheet
project planning
project sheet cost
job costing plan
Construction cost sheet
Construction job cost sheet
Construction jobs
Construction job sheet
Construction material
Construction labour
Construction overheads
Construction sheet plan
job workshop
cost centers
Construction purchase order
Construction activities
Basic Job Costing
Job Costing Example
job order costing
job order
job orders
Tracking Labor
Tracking Material
Tracking Overhead
material plan
job overhead
job labor
Job Cost Sheet
Example For Larger Job
Job costing is a method of costing applied in industries where production is measured in terms of completed jobs. Industries where job costing is generally applied are Printing Press. Automobile Garage, Repair workshops, Ship Building, Foundry and other similar manufacturing units which manufacture to customers� specific requirements.

Job costing is a method of costing whereby cost is compiled for a job or work order. The production is against customer�s orders and not for stock. The cost is not related to the unit of production but is a cost for the job, e. g printing of 5000 ledger sheets, repairs of 50 equipment�s, instead of printing one sheet or repair of one equipment.

The elements of cost comprising Prime Cost viz. direct materials, direct labour and direct expenses are charged directly to the jobs concerned, the overhead charged to a job is an apportioned portion of the departmental overhead.
Advantages of Job Order Costing

Features of Job Costing
Enabling Job Costing
Creating Cost Centres for Job Costing
project job cost
project job costing
project job contracting
project job contract
job contract
jobs contract
Construction app
Construction CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Construction
menus available:
Sales/Sales/Job Estimates

Job estimate
Jobs estimate
Job estimates
Job Cost Estimate Customer
sales estimates

Send Estimation to your Customers for materials, labour, overheads details in job estimation.
CBMS ERP Warehouse Report
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Best Warehouse Reports Apps ,
Warehouse Management System ,
Warehouse Reports Apps ,
Reports for Warehouse ,
Stock Management System ,
Stock Measures Reports ,
Warehouse Measure Reports ,
Inventory Measures Reports ,
Valuation Report Apps ,
Stock Valuation Report Apps ,
Inventory Valuation Report ,
Warehouse Valuation Apps ,
Stock Movement Report Apps ,
Warehouse Movement Report Apps ,
Warehouse Stock Report Apps ,
Stock Location Report Apps ,
Stock Transfer Report Apps ,
Inventory Transfer Report ,
Stock IN and OUT Report ,
Stock IN/OUT Report ,
Inventory IN/OUT Report ,
Status Wise Report ,
Stock Transfer Dates Report ,
Stock Locations Report ,
Inventory Location Reports ,
Inventory Report Apps ,
Product Movement Reports ,
Stock Inventory Ageing Report ,
Stock Inventory Ageing Report ,
Stock Status Report ,
Stock Ageing No Movement Report ,
Stock Inventory Ageing Report with all movements ,
Print warehouse report ,
Professional Reports Excel ,
Sales Analysis Report ,
Purchase Product Quality Report ,
Quality Control Reports ,
Quality Inspection Reports ,
Excel Printout Reports ,
Excel Report for Warehouse ,
Per Order Reports ,
Per Product Reports ,
Per Sale Reports ,
Internal Reports ,
Sale Report Apps ,
Product Report Apps ,
Purchase Report Apps ,
Division Report Apps ,
Restrict Picking Report

Prepares all type of warehouse/inventory reports in XLSX.
CBMS ERP Tailor Purchase Requisitions by Employees/Users
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Material Purchase Requisitions
This module allowed Purchase requisition of employee.
Purchase Requisitions
Purchase Requisition
Inter-Organization Shipping Network
Online Requisitions
Issue Enforcement
Inventory Replenishment Requisitions
Replenishment Requisitions
MRP Generated Requisitions
generated Requisitions
purchase Sales Orders
Complete Requisitions Status Visibility
Using purchase Requisitions
purchase requisitions
replenishment requisitions
employee Requisition
employee purchase Requisition
user Requisition
stock Requisition
inventory Requisition
warehouse Requisition
factory Requisition
department Requisition
manager Requisition
Submit requisition
Create purchase Orders
purchase Orders
product Requisition
item Requisition
material Requisition
product Requisitions
material purchase Requisition
material Requisition purchase
purchase material Requisition
product purchase Requisition
item Requisitions
material Requisitions
products Requisitions
purchase Requisition Process
Approving or Denying the purchase Requisition
Denying purchase Requisition​
construction management
real estate management
construction app
indent management
indent stock
indent system
indent request
indent order
CBMS ODOO indent
internal Requisitions
* INHERIT hr.department.form.view (form)
* INHERIT hr.employee.form.view (form)
* INHERIT stock.picking.form.view (form)
purchase.requisition search (search)
purchase.requisition.form.view (form)
purchase.requisition.view.tree (tree)
purchase_requisition (qweb)
Main Features:
allow your employees to Create Purchase Requisition.
Employees can request multiple material/items on single purchase Requisition request.
Approval of Department Head.
Approval of Purchase Requisition Head.
Email notifications to Department Manager, Requisition Manager for approval.
- Request for Purchase Requisition will go to stock/warehouse as internal picking / internal order and purchase order.
- Warehouse can dispatch material to employee location and if material not present then procurment will created by CBMS ODOO standard.
- Purchase Requisition user can decide whether product requested by employee will come from stock/warehouse directly or it needs to be purchase from vendor. So we have field on requisition lines where responsible can select Requisition action: 1. Purchase Order 2. Internal Picking. If option 1 is selected then system will create internal order / internal picking request and if option 2 is selected system will create multiple purchase order / RFQ to vendors selected on lines.
- For more details please see Video on live preview or ask us by email...

This module allow your employees/users to create Purchase Requisitions.
CBMS ERP MuK PoS Branding
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
MuK PoS Branding

This module complements the Branding Module. It sets the logo and the title of
the PoS app according to the settings of the branding parameters.


To install this module, you need to:

Download the module and add it to your CBMS ODOO addons folder. Afterward, log on to
your CBMS ODOO server and go to the Apps menu. Trigger the debug mode and update the
list by clicking on the "Update Apps List" link. Now install the module by
clicking on the install button.

Another way to install this module is via the package management for Python
(`PyPI <>`_).

To install our modules using the package manager make sure
`odoo-autodiscover <>`_ is installed
correctly. Then open a console and install the module by entering the following

``pip install --extra-index-url <module>``

The module name consists of the CBMS ODOO version and the module name, where
underscores are replaced by a dash.




``sudo -H pip3 install --extra-index-url CBMS ODOO11-addon-muk-utils``

Once the installation has been successfully completed, the app is already in the
correct folder. Log on to your CBMS ODOO server and go to the Apps menu. Trigger the
debug mode and update the list by clicking on the "Update Apps List" link. Now
install the module by clicking on the install button.

The biggest advantage of this variant is that you can now also update the app
using the "pip" command. To do this, enter the following command in your console:

``pip install --upgrade --extra-index-url <module>``

When the process is finished, restart your server and update the application in
Odoo. The steps are the same as for the installation only the button has changed
from "Install" to "Upgrade".

You can also view available Apps directly in our `repository <>`_
and find a more detailed installation guide on our `website <>`_.

For modules licensed under OPL-1, you will receive access data when you purchase
the module. If the modules were not purchased directly from
`MuK IT <>`_ please contact our support (
with a confirmation of purchase to receive the corresponding access data.


To upgrade this module, you need to:

Download the module and add it to your CBMS ODOO addons folder. Restart the server
and log on to your CBMS ODOO server. Select the Apps menu and upgrade the module by
clicking on the upgrade button.

If you installed the module using the "pip" command, you can also update the
module in the same way. Just type the following command into the console:

``pip install --upgrade --extra-index-url <module>``

When the process is finished, restart your server and update the application in
Odoo, just like you would normally.


No additional configuration is needed to use this module.


After setting the parameters, the system is automatically branded.



* Mathias Markl <>


Some pictures are based on or inspired by the icon set of Font Awesome:

* `Font Awesome <>`_

Author & Maintainer

This module is maintained by the `MuK IT GmbH <>`_.

MuK IT is an Austrian company specialized in customizing and extending CBMS ODOO.
We develop custom solutions for your individual needs to help you focus on
your strength and expertise to grow your business.

If you want to get in touch please contact us via mail
( or visit our website (
Branding and Debranding
CBMS ERP Multi Barcode For Products
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Allows to create Product multi barcode for Sales, Purchase, Inventory and Invoicing Allows to create multiple barcode for a single product
CBMS ERP POS Product Multi Barcode
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Allows to create multiple barcode for a single product Allows to create multiple barcode for a single product
CBMS ERP Multiple Sale/Purchase Order Confirm And Cancel
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Confirm/Cancel Multiple Sale/Purchase Orders from Tree View Confirm/Cancel Multiple Sale/Purchase Orders from Tree View
CBMS ERP Multiple Reference Per Product
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Add multiple reference code for a product template or product variant. Easily manage between the
different codes as default code for the product. Multiple Reference Per Product
CBMS ERP Product Warranty Registration & Claim for Enterprise Edition
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Product Warranty Registration & Claim
CBMS ODOO Product Warranty Claim
claim management
warranty registration
Register Warranty
Warranty Renewal
claim app
warranty CBMS ODOO product
product CBMS ODOO warranty
customer warranty
product warranty
Product Warranty Registration, Warranty Renewal & Warranty Claim
Product Warranty Registration
Warranty Claim
Warranty Renewal
CBMS ODOO Product Warranty Claim
Product Warranty
Display Warranty Claim (qweb)
Helpdesk Support Ticket Genarate (qweb)
product.warranty.registration.form (form) (search)
product.warranty.registration.tree (tree)
template_report_warranty (qweb)
template_report_warranty_data (qweb)
Product Clain
Warranty Claim
Customer Warranty
Warranty Claims
Warranty Support
Warranty Claim Request
Create Warranty Claim
Product Warranty
Warranty Report
My Warranty
Warranty Menu on Helpdesk
Product Warranty Registration and Website Claim Management and Backend for Enterprise Edition
CBMS ERP Generate Product Images Using OpenAI
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
CBMS ODOO Module for Generating Product Images using DALL-E This module helps to generate images for products using DALL-E.
CBMS ERP Invoice Payment received mail
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Send email when invoice payment is registered Send email when invoice payment is registered
CBMS ERP Adyen Payment Acquirer/Pay by Link Patch
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
<p>This module migrates the Adyen implementation from the Hosted Payment Pages API to the Pay by Link<br>
Payment Acquirer: Adyen Pay by Link Patch</p>
CBMS ERP Point of Sale Logo
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
"This module helps you to set a logo for every point of sale. This will help you to
identify the point of sale easily. You can also see this logo in pos screen and pos receipt. Logo For Every Point of Sale (Screen & Receipt)
CBMS ERP Add Product using Webcam Barcode in Pos
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
<p>This module helps you to scan a product barcode using<br>
Webcam and add the products to pos order-line. Add the order-line using webcam scanner by adding barcode of products</p>
CBMS ERP POS Order Management
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Detailed view of all ordrs with Order Reference, Receipt Reference, Customer and Order Date Allows you to display all the old orders in Point of Sale

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.