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CBMS ERP Japan - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN


* Chart of Accounts and Taxes template for companies in Japan.
* This probably does not cover all the necessary accounts for a company. You are expected to add/delete/modify accounts based on this template.


* Fiscal positions '内税' and '外税' have been added to handle special requirements which might arise from POS implementation. [1] Under normal circumstances, you might not need to use those at all.

[1] See for detail.

CBMS ERP Kenya - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This provides a base chart of accounts and taxes template for use in CBMS ODOO.
CBMS ERP Lithuania - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Chart of Accounts (COA) Template for Lithuania's Accounting.

This module also includes:

* List of available banks in Lithuania.
* Tax groups.
* Most common Lithuanian Taxes.
* Fiscal positions.
* Account Tags.
CBMS ERP Luxembourg - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Luxembourg.

* the Luxembourg Official Chart of Accounts (law of June 2009 + 2015 chart and Taxes),
* the Tax Code Chart for Luxembourg
* the main taxes used in Luxembourg
* default fiscal position for local, intracom, extracom

* the 2015 chart of taxes is implemented to a large extent,
see the first sheet of tax.xls for details of coverage
* to update the chart of tax template, update tax.xls and run
CBMS ERP Morocco - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Morocco.

Ce Module charge le modèle du plan de comptes standard Marocain et permet de
générer les états comptables aux normes marocaines (Bilan, CPC (comptes de
produits et charges), balance générale à 6 colonnes, Grand livre cumulatif...).
L'intégration comptable a été validé avec l'aide du Cabinet d'expertise comptable
Seddik au cours du troisième trimestre 2010.
CBMS ERP Mongolia - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the module to manage the accounting chart for Mongolia.

* the Mongolia Official Chart of Accounts,
* the Tax Code Chart for Mongolia
* the main taxes used in Mongolia

Financial requirement contributor: Baskhuu Lodoikhuu. BumanIT LLC
CBMS ERP Mexico - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Minimal accounting configuration for Mexico.

This Chart of account is a minimal proposal to be able to use OoB the
accounting feature of CBMS ODOO.

This doesn't pretend be all the localization for MX it is just the minimal
data required to start from 0 in mexican localization.

This modules and its content is updated frequently by openerp-mexico team.

With this module you will have:

- Minimal chart of account tested in production environments.
- Minimal chart of taxes, to comply with SAT_ requirements.

.. _SAT:
CBMS ERP Malaysia - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Malaysia in CBMS ODOO.
CBMS ERP Netherlands - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Accounting chart for Netherlands

This module is specially made to manage the accounting functionality
according to the Dutch best practice.

This module contains the Dutch Chart of Accounts and the VAT schema.
This schema is made for the most common Companies and therefore suitable
to be used for almost every Company.

The VAT accounts are linked promptly to generate the required reports. Examples
of this reports intercommunitaire transactions.

After installation of this module the configuration will be activated.
Select the Chart of Accounts named "Netherlands - Accounting".

Hereafter entering the name of the Company, total digits of Chart of Accounts,
Bank Account Number and the default Currency.

Note: total digits configured by default are 6.
CBMS ERP Norway - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
This is the module to manage the accounting chart for Norway in CBMS ODOO.

Updated for CBMS ODOO 9 by Bringsvor Consulting AS <>
CBMS ERP New Zealand - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

New Zealand Accounting Module

New Zealand accounting basic charts and localizations.

- activates a number of regional currencies.
- sets up New Zealand taxes.
CBMS ERP Panama - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

Panamenian accounting chart and tax localization.

Plan contable panameño e impuestos de acuerdo a disposiciones vigentes

Con la Colaboración de

CBMS ERP Peru - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
PCGE Simplified Minimal set of accounts to start to work in Perú.

The usage of this CoA must refer to the official documentation on MEF.

All the legal references can be found here.


Chart of account:

The tree of the CoA is done using account groups, all the accounts with move
are available as groups but only the more common ones are available as actual
accounts, if you want to create a new one use the group of accounts as

# TODO: Image showing what I am talking about.


'IGV': {'name': 'VAT', 'code': 'S'},
'IVAP': {'name': 'VAT', 'code': ''},
'ISC': {'name': 'EXC', 'code': 'S'},
'ICBPER': {'name': 'OTH', 'code': ''},
'EXP': {'name': 'FRE', 'code': 'G'},
'GRA': {'name': 'FRE', 'code': 'Z'},
'EXO': {'name': 'VAT', 'code': 'E'},
'INA': {'name': 'FRE', 'code': 'O'},
'OTROS': {'name': 'OTH', 'code': 'S'},

We added on this module the 3 concepts in taxes (necessary for the EDI

# TODO: Describe new fields.


Code for products to be used in the EDI are availables here, in order to decide
which tax use due to which code following this reference and python code:



Este PCGE ha sido preparado como una herramienta de carácter contable, para acumular información que
requiere ser expuesta en el cuerpo de los estados financieros o en las notas a dichos estados. Esa acumulación se
efectúa en los libros o registros contables, cuya denominación y naturaleza depende de las actividades que se
efectúen, y que permiten acciones de verificación, control y seguimiento. Las NIIF completas y la NIIF PYMES no
contienen prescripciones sobre teneduría de libros, y consecuentemente, sobre los libros y otros registros
de naturaleza contable. Por otro lado, si bien es cierto la contabilidad es también un insumo, dentro de otros, para
labores de cumplimiento tributario, este PCGE no ha sido elaborado para satisfacer prescripciones tributarias ni su
verificación. No obstante ello, donde no hubo oposición entre la contabilidad financiera prescrita por las NIIF y
la legislación tributaria, este PCGE ha incluido subcuentas, divisionarias y sub divisionarias, para
distinguir componentes con validez tributaria, dentro del conjunto de componentes que corresponden a una
perspectiva contable íntegramente. Por lo tanto, este PCGE no debe ser considerado en ningún aspecto
como una guía con propósitos distintos del contable.
CBMS ERP Philippines - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the module to manage the accounting chart for The Philippines.
CBMS ERP Pakistan - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
This is the base module to manage chart of accounts and localization for the Pakistan
CBMS ERP Poland - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the module to manage the accounting chart and taxes for Poland in CBMS ODOO.

To jest moduł do tworzenia wzorcowego planu kont, podatków, obszarów podatkowych i
rejestrów podatkowych. Moduł ustawia też konta do kupna i sprzedaży towarów
zakładając, że wszystkie towary są w obrocie hurtowym.

Niniejszy moduł jest przeznaczony dla CBMS ODOO 8.0.
Wewnętrzny numer wersji OpenGLOBE 1.02
CBMS ERP Portugal - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN
Plano de contas SNC para Portugal
CBMS ERP Romania - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the module to manage the Accounting Chart, VAT structure, Fiscal Position and Tax Mapping.
It also adds the Registration Number for Romania in CBMS ODOO.

Romanian accounting chart and localization.
CBMS ERP Serbia - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

This is the base module of the Serbian localization. It manages chart of accounts and taxes.
CBMS ERP Saudi Arabia - Accounting
₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 ₦ 5 000,00 5000.0 NGN

CBMS ODOO Arabic localization for most arabic countries and Saudi Arabia.

This initially includes chart of accounts of USA translated to Arabic.

In future this module will include some payroll rules for ME .

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